Man and lady at a small market in Chiang Mai Old City

This photo was taken at the little market in the north east corner of the Old City. There seems to be a community of elderly people. I love seeing people smile like this, especially if it as at me. The lady has a nice contented look on her face too. Classic Chiang Mai characters 😊

Mature ladies sat outside their shop in the Old City of Chiang Mai

These lovely elderly ladies are in the north east corner of Chiang Mai's Old City, inside the moat. Characters like this are what makes me love street photography.

4K Lake Nature Window - at Chiang Mai University

This peaceful setting is a relaxation video for the Uscenes website. We make simple "nature windows" and "virtual aquarium" videos to use on any screen. This is the reservoir at CMU, a lovely place to chill out for a while.

Street photo from inside the moat

This interesting guy caught my eye with his bright international T-shirt and expressive face.

Photos of a happy local man with bicycle in Chiang Mai

I couldn't decide which of these looks better. What do you think? Black and white or color?

I was cycling as I took this photo, which is one of my preferred times to do street photography in Chiang Mai. Not very safe but I get shots I otherwise would have missed.

Huay Kaew Waterfall in Chiang Mai, Thailand 4K

The closest waterfall to Chiang Mai lies at the base of Doi Suthep, which is the mountain next to Chiang Mai. This peaceful spot is a nice place to relax and unwind with plenty of shady areas and rocks to sit on. Please be careful with the steep rocky area towards the waterfall, especially if it has been raining. Children should not attempt to climb that part.

Testing out my new toy, the Panasonic Leica 15mm M43 lens on workers in Chiang Mai

Just a few guys happily working together at a bike shop in Chiang Mai. I like the way the lens rendered the image.

Cowboy riding his bike with mannequins in a trailer

This cool guy caught my eye near Thapae Gate, which is the tourist hot spot in Chiang Mai.

Chiang Mai lady and fried food in the northeast corner of the old city

There are a few elderly locals who have food stalls in the north east corner of the city along the moat, plus a nice small market.

2 Guys in Chiang Mai Airport

Just a snapshot of two men in the airport. One looks peaceful, the other one might be mad 😃

Chiang Mai temple and 3 people on a bike

Chiang Mai temple and 3 people on a bike, which is very normal to see in Thailand with scooters being like the family car.